Year 2025
January 2025

Chinese New Year 2025 🏮🪭

Every Chinese New Year, we celebrate traditions that highlight reunion and warmth of familial ties. For many seniors, this time of the year carries particular significance as they look forward to spending precious time with their loved ones.  

Mr Ong’s Story

Mr. Ong (pictured right) guided by our Therapy Associate (pictured left) during weekly exercise in Dover Park Hospice’s R.I.S.E programme.

Mr. Ong Bock Siang (王木祥), a 78-year-old retiree living with bronchiectasis, is one such senior. For him, the festive season symbolises renewal and prosperity, rooted in traditions of family gatherings and shared meals. 

However, Mr. Ong’s condition took a sudden turn for the worse in 2024 when he could not manage walking long distance independently and his wife would have to push him around on a wheelchair. Thankfully, through Dover Park Hospice’s R.I.S.E. (Restitutive, Integrative, Supportive, Empowering) programme and the generous support of compassionate donors, Mr. Ong has regained his ability to walk with a cane and now confidently manages his condition. 

Many of our patients face financial hardship. As a secular organisation with 71% of our patients coming from lower-income households, Dover Park Hospice depends on the support of well-meaning organisations and individuals to provide quality palliative care in our patients’ final life journeys. Through your support, our patients and their families can then focus on creating meaningful memories, without having to worry about their medical bills.

This Chinese New Year, while we gather with our families in celebration, let us also remember our patients who may be spending their final reunion with their loved ones. Wishing you a blessed reunion with your loved ones and a healthy and prosperous Year of the Snake!

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